In order to protect us all, it is important that you always follow the latest guidelines on COVID-related restrictions.
In this sense, check well before buying tickets to an event, make a reservation to access a place or to eat in a restaurant, what are the regulations in your country, region and / or city related to COVID, as well as the COVID policy applied by the Organizer of the event or owner of the premises and / or venue.
There may be restrictions and even cancellations motivated by COVID. In this sense, please contact the Organizer to confirm whether or not the event is canceled and what cancellation policy will apply (refund of money, change of date of tickets, etc ...), since it is the Organizer who must inform us how to proceed to the refund of the tickets. Remember that we need the authorization of the Organizer of the event to be able to refund the tickets, since he is the last responsible for the event.
Remember that TICKETERUM.COM in no case will be responsible for the cancellation of an event or reservation, nor, as a mere custodian of the money paid for the event, will be responsible for the refund or not of the amount of the tickets. It is the Organizer of the event who is ultimately responsible for deciding what to do, how and when in relation to the refund and whether or not the event is done and under what conditions.
Finally, remember that the best prevention to avoid getting infected and / or getting sick from COVID is vaccination, interpersonal distance and the mask, as well as being in places as open, spacious and ventilated as possible.
Take care!